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Video Library

Learn From Equity Leaders

The REJI is pleased to offer a library of workshop videos with some of the nation’s foremost leaders in racial equity practice in higher education.

Overview of Equity-minded Practice

Paying off Higher Education’s Racial Debt: Infusing Racial Equity Across the Academy

Dr. Estela Bensimon

Creating your REJI Racial Equity Action Plan

Creating and Implementing Campus-wide REJI Racial Equity Plans

Dr. Sabrina Gentlewarrior

Equity-minded Data Practices

Equity-minded Data – Exemplars from REJI Campuses

Dr. Arlene Rodríguez & Jen Dunseath

Data, Equity, Action!

Amanda Colligan, Arlene Rodriguez, Jen Dunseath

Equity-minded Teaching Practices: Dr. Estela Bensimon and USC Race and Equity Center

The Syllabus as an Instrument for Racial Equity

Dr. Estela Bensimon, Esmeralda Hernandez-Hamed,
Debbie Hanson

Equity Minded Teaching and Data Use

Dr. Estela Bensimon, Esmeralda Hernandez-Hamed,
Debbie Hanson

Equity-minded Student Service Provision Practices: Dr. Estela Bensimon and USC Race and Equity Center

Decentering Whiteness in Student Service Provision

Dr. Estela Bensimon, Esmeralda Hernandez-Hamed,
Debbie Hanson

Action Planning for Equity Minded Student Service Provision

Dr. Estela Bensimon, Esmeralda Hernandez-Hamed,
Debbie Hanson

Finalizing Equity Minded Student Service Provision Action Plan

Dr. Estela Bensimon, Esmeralda Hernandez-Hamed,
Debbie Hanson

Shared Equity Leadership

Organizing for Shared Equity Leadership

Dr. Adrianna Kezar

Building Capacity for Shared Equity Leadership

Dr. Adrianna Kezar

Accountability for Shared Equity Leadership

Dr. Adrianna Kezar

Leadership Moves and Levers to Implement Shared Equity Leadership

Dr. Adrianna Kezar

Emotional Labor in Shared Equity Leadership Environments: Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces

Darsella Vigil

Equity-minded Senior Leadership Practices

Trustees as Catalysts for Racial Equity

Dr. Raquel Rall

Equity-minded Practices for Institutional Change

A Framework for Advancing Anti-Racism Strategy on Campus

Dr. Kimberly Truong and Dr. Clyde Wilson Pickett

Racially Equitable Teaching and Learning

Nia Haydel

Racially Equitable Structures and Practices for Our Work with Transfer Students

Dr. Dimpal Jain, Santiago N. Bernal Melendez,
Dr. Alfred R. Herrera & Paulina Palomino

Racial Equity Policy Frameworks

Mass DHE & Ed Trust

Equity-minded Human Resource Practices

Roman Liera

Doing the Work for Equity with Ourselves and our Institutions

Utilizing a Liberatory Consciousness in Our Racially Equitable Campus Work

Dr. Barbara Love & Dr. Tanya Williams

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