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Fitchburg State University

President: Dr. Donna Hodge, PhD


Fitchburg State University is committed to excellence in teaching and learning and blends liberal arts and sciences and professional programs within a small college environment. The comprehensive public university prepares students to lead, serve, and succeed by fostering lifelong learning and civic and global responsibility. Fitchburg State aspires to be nationally recognized for excellence in teaching and learning in current and emergent fields, its commitment to transforming lives through education, and its dedication to public service. With core values including accessibility, affordability, community, enrichment and excellence, it aspires to create and foster a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Signature Racial Equity Activities

  • Faculty & Staff Academies that focus on implementing the Pedagogy of Real Talk both in and out of the classroom.
  • Campus-wide policy audits with a DEI lens.
  • Identity-based programming funded by designated University resources.
  • Deans’ Antiracism Fund to support initiatives that counter bias.
  • Development of a policy on the collection and usage of identity-based data.
  • Continuation of our Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)
  • DEI resources for members of our community to learn about antiracism, white privilege, and inclusion
  • Expanding resources, programming and the number of identity-based clubs and organizations.
  • Integrating a month-long cohort style LGBTQ+ training with weekly topics of exploration that include inclusive language and intersectional support.
  • Multilingual Scholars Peer Mentoring Program which connects first-year students whose first language is not English with peer mentors from similar backgrounds.
  • Inclusive hiring initiatives to expand and diversify applicant pools.
  • Staff DEI training aimed at developing cultural competencies.


For more information contact Racial Equity and Justice Institute (REJI) Team Lead

Pamela McCafferty, Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning